What Impact HIPAA?
State Regulation and Private Health Insurance Coverage Among Adults


Deborah J. Chollet, Ph.D.
Mathematica Policy Research

Kosali Ilayperuma Simon, Ph.D.
Michigan State University


Adele M. Kirk, M.A.
University of California at Los Angeles

Submitted to
the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and EvaluationU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
in fulfillment of Contract HHS-10098-0014

October 20, 2000

This research was conducted with partial funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to the Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy.


Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Recent Literature on Health Insurance Reforms and Coverage
3. Research Design: Data and Methods
Employer coverage
Individual coverage
4. Results: Small Employer Coverage
The impact of market structure on small employer coverage
The impact of regulation on small employer coverage
5. Results: Individual Coverage
The impact of market structure on individual coverage
The impact of regulation on individual coverage
6. Summary and Conclusions

List of Tables

Table 1: Variable Definitions
Table 2: Regression Results for Small Employer Coverage: Firms with <100 Workers
Table 3: Regression Results for Small Employer Coverage: Firms with <25 Workers
Table 4: Regression Results for Individual Private Coverage


Appendix 1: Recent Empirical Studies of the Effects of State Health Insurance Reform
Appendix 2: Small Employer Coverage: Descriptive Statistics
Appendix 3: Individual Private Coverage: Descriptive Statistics
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Department of Health and Human Services