The Long-Term Effects of the
Minnesota Family Investment Program
on Marriage and Divorce Among Two-Parent Families

Prepared by:
Lisa A. Gennetian
Senior Research Associate

Prepared for:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Under subcontract to The Lewin Group

June 2003

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  1. Introduction
  2. The MFIP Model and Evaluation
  3. Brief Review of the Final Report's Key Findings at the 36-Month Follow-up Point
  4. Overview of Data Collection for Long-Term Follow-Up Analyses on Marriage and Divorce
  5. Key Findings on the Effects of MFIP on Marriage and Divorce During a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period
  6. Conclusions


List of Tables and Figures


  1. Effects on Marriage and Divorce for Two-Parent Families over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period
  2. Effects on Marriage and Divorce Status for Two-Parent Families at the End of the Follow-Up Period
  3. Effects on Divorce for Two-Parent Recipient Families over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period, by Subgroup
  4. Effects on Divorce for Two-Parent Recipient Families Who Were Married at Baseline, over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period
  5. Effects on Marriage and Divorce for Two-Parent Recipient Families Who Were Cohabiting at Baseline, over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period


  1. Cumulative Percent Ever Divorced for Two-Parent Recipient Families over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period
  2. Cumulative Percent Ever Divorced for Two-Parent Recipient Families in Calendar Months: Comparing Pre-June 1998 and Post-June 1998, When the Pilot Study Ended and MFIP-S Was Implemented
  3. Cumulative Percent Ever Divorced for Two-Parent Recipient Families Who Were Married at Baseline, over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period
  4. Cumulative Percent Ever Married for Two-Parent Recipient Families Who Were Cohabiting at Baseline, over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period
  5. Marital Status in Each Month of Follow-Up for Two-Parent Recipient Families Who Were Cohabiting at Baseline
  6. Cumulative Percent Ever Divorced for Two-Parent Recipient Families Who Were Cohabiting at Baseline, over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period

Appendix Tables

  1. Selected Characteristics of Two-Parent Sample Members, by Welfare Status at Random Assignment
  2. Effects on Marriage and Divorce for Two-Parent Recipient Families over a Seven-Year Follow-Up Period, Year by Year
  3. MFIP's Effects on Marriage and Divorce for Two-Parent Applicant Families over a Six-Year Follow-Up Period, Year by Year
  4. Effects on Divorce for Two-Parent Applicant Families over a Six-Year Follow-Up Period

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Last revised:  10/31/03