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Entrez: Making use of its power

This tutorial is designed to show users how to make use of the full power of the Entrez data retrieval system. Using a human gene as an example, it demonstrates the variety of information that can be gathered for a single gene. The number of records retrieved will change over time as the databases grow. However, the same techniques shown in the tutorial can be used for any topic of interest.


Learn how to:

  • identify a representative, well-annotated mRNA sequence record from the millions of sequences in the Entrez Nucleotide data domain
  • retrieve associated literature and protein records
  • identify conserved domains within the protein
  • identify known mutations within the gene or protein
  • find a resolved three-dimensional structure for the protein, or, in its absence, identify structures with homologous sequence
  • view the genomic context of the gene and download the sequence region

Go to the pdf version of Entrez: Making use of its power.

Geer, R.C. and Sayers, E.W. Entrez: Making use of its power. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2003 June;4(2):1779-184.

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Revised June 23, 2003