Medgar Evers, State Field Secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, was slain in Jackson, Mississippi on June 12, 1963, by a sniper's bullet in the drive way of his home. He was born on July 2, 1925, in Decatur, Mississippi. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D.C. with full Military Honors, having been a veteran of World War II. Byron De La Beckwith, a white segregationist, from Greenwood, Mississippi. was charged with the murder after a fingerprint was found on the telescopic gunsight found near the murder scene was traced to Beckwith. Two mistrials were declared when the all white juries could not break the deadlock during Beckwith's trials. Mr. Evers was also the subject in a couple of Civil Rights files, wherein, he took part in demonstrations in Jackson, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana areas.