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Search Results

You searched for: "Fatalities" which rendered 51 Clearinghouse Web site results, 40 Clearinghouse Publications results, 2 related child abuse and neglect organizations results, 9 Children's Bureau Express Online Digest results and 0 items from our Conference Calendar.

Websites Icon Clearinghouse Website Search Results

Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics and Interventions

Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics and Interventions

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Publications Icon Clearinghouse Publications Search Results

Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics and Interventions
This fact sheet provides an overview of the prevalence and characteristics of child abuse-related fatalities. The role of the community in responding to child deaths also are discussed. The importance of prevention services is stressed, and a list of organizations to contact for more information is provided. (6 references)

Child Fatalities
This directory lists national organizations that disseminate information about child fatalities. The organizations provide advocacy, professional training, program development, public awareness, and research services.

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Related Organizations Icon Related Organizations Search Results

International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, founded in 1977, is the only multidisciplinary international organization that brings together a global cross-section of committed professionals to work towards the prevention and treatment of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation. ISPCAN's mission is to prevent cruelty to children in every nation, in every form: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, street children, child fatalities, child prostitution, children of war, emotional abuse, and child labor. ISPCAN is committed to increasing public awareness of all forms of violence against children, developing activities to prevent such violence, and promoting the rights of children in all regions of the world.

National Center on Child Fatality Review
The mission of the National Center on Child Fatality Review is to develop and promote a nationwide system of Child Fatality Review Teams to improve the health and well-being of children and reduce preventable child fatalities. The Center coordinates and disseminates information about teams and projects, addressing child death, and child death review. NCFR also provides training and technical assistance to local, State, regional, and national projects and teams that address child abuse fatalities and provides data models for systems management. The Center's major focus is improving child safety through the promotion of effective risk assessment, accountability, and the sharing of information on severe and fatal child abuse and neglect.dsfd

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CB Express Icon Children's Bureau Express Online Digest Search Results

Date Published: July 2004

Date Published: June 2004

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Calendar Icon Conference Calendar Results

There are no conferences that matched your query.


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Updated on May 19, 2004 by

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