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Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 Annual Performance Plan (APP)  and Revised Final FY 2003 APP


The Social Security Administration has published its Performance Plan for Fiscal Year 2004, as well as a revised final Plan for Fiscal Year 2003.

The new Performance Plan reflects Commissioner Jo Anne Barnhart's priorities -- Service, Stewardship, Solvency and Staff, as set forth in SSA's five-year Strategic Plan. This Performance Plan describes specific levels of performance the Agency is committed to achieving, as well as means and strategies for reaching these goals.

The President's FY 2003 Budget for SSA identifies the funds needed to meet the performance goals in our Revised Final FY 2003 and FY 2004 Performance Plans.


The Annual Performance Plans for the four previous years are still available for viewing:

The Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Performance Plan and Revised FY 03 APP are available in both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft Word format.

You must have Adobe reader software to view PDF files. For maximum accessibility, we recommend using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 5.0 or later. To view the Performance Plan for Fiscal Year 2003 in PDF format, select one or more of the following files:

Title Format
Cover, Commissioner's Message, Table of Contents
Word PDF
Part I: Introduction
Word PDF
Part II: Our Programs, Organization, Budget and Performance Integration Word PDF
Part III: Summary of FY 2004 Annual Performance Plan and Revised FY 2003 Plan
Word PDF
Part IV: Service Goal, Objectives, Performance Measures and Performance Goals
Word PDF
Part IV: Stewardship Goal, Objectives, Performance Measures and Performance Goals
Word PDF
Part IV: Solvency Goal, Objectives, Performance Measures and Performance Goals
Word PDF
Part IV: Staff Goal, Objectives, Performance Measures and Performance Goals
Word PDF
Part V: Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)
Word PDF
Appendix A: SSA's Capital Assets Plan
Word PDF
Appendix B: Major Program Evaluations Covering FYs 2003-2004
Word PDF
Appendix C: Verification and Validation of Data
Word PDF
Appendix D: Discontinued or Modified Performance Measures from the FY 2003 Plan
Word PDF


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