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Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations
Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness
Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources
Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs
Subcommittee on the Civil Service and Agency Reorganization
Subcommittee on Government Efficiency and Financial Management
Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census
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The Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization is part of the Government Reform Committee and is chaired by Representative Jo Ann Davis (VA-1). During the 108th Congress the subcommittee will examine issues dealing with recruitment, hiring, retention, compensation, retirement and health benefits of federal employees as well as government reorganization.

In particular, a report by the bipartisan National Commission on the Public Service titled, Urgent Business For America: Revitalizing the Federal Government for the 21st Century, will serve as a guide for a number of hearing topics and possible legislation. Recommendations made by the Commission include: moving toward a “pay-for-performance” system; overhauling the General Schedule; reorganizing the Federal Government into a limited number of mission-related executive departments; and granting the President “fast-track” authority to reorganize the Federal Government.

In addition, the subcommittee will examine issues such as: the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program; the Federal Government’s recruitment, hiring and training process; classifying employees with law enforcement duties as “law enforcement officers” for the purpose of retirement; and the President’s competitive sourcing initiative as outlined in the A-76 Circular.

The majority members of the subcommittee are: Jo Ann Davis (VA-01), Chairwoman; Tim Murphy (PA-18), Vice Chairman; John Mica (FL-07); Mark Souder (IN-03); Adam Putnam (FL-12); Nathan Deal (GA-10); Marsha Blackburn (TN-07); Tom Davis (VA-11), Ex Officio Member.

The minority members of the subcommittee are: Danny Davis (IL-07), Ranking Minority Member; Major Owens (NY-11); Chris Van Hollen (MD-08); Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC); Jim Cooper (TN-05); Henry Waxman (CA-29), Ex Officio Member.

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