OVC Letters from the Field

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), U.S. Department of Justice, welcomes comments from the field, including written recognition for our efforts. Below are a few excerpts from letters and cards that OVC has received in the past few months. OVC reserves the right to edit excerpts for length, style, and grammar.

Letter Archive

Full-Length Letters

August 18, 2004

Dear Mr. Gillis,

I was able to attend the Parents of Murdered Children(POMC) conference through a scholarship and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the opportunity. I came away with far more than I ever expected. Being a survivor for 15 years, I truly appreciate the compassion you offer to all of us.

Grove City, OH

August 18, 2004

Dear Mr. Gillis:

Thank you for presenting at the 19th National Conference on Preventing Crime in the Black Community, June 9-12, 2004, in Orlando, Florida.

Feedback indicates that this year's conference was another resounding success. Much of this success can be directly attributed to the commitment and support we received from committed individuals like you. The partnership and teamwork allowed us to meet the challenges of developing and implementing a very productive program for a very diverse group of participants. Read the full letter.

Charlie Crist, Attorney General
State of Florida

August 18, 2004

Dear Mr. Gillis:

On behalf of the chairman of the board, the executive officers, and church volunteers, we kindly thank you for awarding us a $5,000 grant. . . . This grant will help us create a mass media campaign, recruit more volunteers, and leverage resources and dollars from other church congregations, businesses, and residents for the continuing support of our program. This program to help provide a safe and caring community is sorely needed in this area. Read the full letter.

Norvel Glover, Pastor
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Prichard, Alabama

July 2, 2004

Mr. John Gillis

My husband and I would like to thank you for making it possible for us to attend and help out, we really appreciate all you do for the P.O.M.C. Conference! Thank you again!

G.E. & B.E.
Seneca, Illinois

June 30, 2004

Dear Mr. Gillis,

Greetings! I am so excited that 'thank you' just doesn't seem adequate. However, I do know that it comes directly from the heart of a grateful and faithful woman. On behalf of T.R.U.S.T. (Tragedy Response Unit Support Team), I am appreciative for the $5,000 grant from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), U.S. Department of Justice, and to the National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. (P.O.M.C.) for administering and monitoring the grant. Thank you. This week I will attend the 2 day "Navigating the Federal Funding Process Regional Training' on grant writing in Philadelphia, PA, and I am thrilled about the possibility of being able to obtain faith-based initiatives funds. I also look forward to working with you and P.O.M.C. May God continue to richly bless you, yours, and the work that you do.

In spirit, love, and truth,
Reverend Helen M.C. Jones
Norristown, Pennsylvania

June 30, 2004

Dear Mr. Gillis,

On behalf of the members of the Miami-Dade Chapter of P.O.M.C., I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation for approving our application for the H.O.P.E. grant. These funds will greatly enhance our visibility in the community and enable us to assist more survivors of homicide victims.

Barbara C. Koeppel
Chapter Leader
Hollywood, Florida

April 25, 2004

Dear Mr. Gillis:

The Survivors for Violence Prevention, Inc., would like to extend our heartiest thanks for your participation in the sixth annual Survivors conference. Your presentation provided conference attendees with important insights and information. . . . The range of questions and the passion of the attendees were evident during the question-and-answer period following your enlightening speech. Read the full letter.

Helen J.M. Bassett, Coordinator
Survivors for Violence Prevention, Inc.
Golden Valley, Minnesota



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This document was last updated on September 28, 2004