H R S A Center for Health Services Financing and Managed Care
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Third Party Reimbursement Training and Technical Assistance Program
for HRSA Grantees and Subgrantees

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Beginning in September 2001, HRSA embarked on a three year program to improve the Third Party Reimbursement (TPR) status of HRSA grantees and subgrantees. HRSA has contracted with a team of experts to provide TPR training nationwide.

Beginning early in 2002, a day and a half training program was pilot-tested in 5 states. Then, over the second and third years of the program, this training has been and is being offered to HRSA grantees and subgrantees nationwide. The focus of the TPR training will be to improve existing operational, business, and billing systems to allow grantees in each State to fully claim allowable reimbursements under the State Medicaid plan, S-CHIP, Medicare, and other available sources of third party reimbursement.

Through this program we are confident that HRSA grantees and subgrantees will be better prepared to improve their management practices, improve the efficiency of their operations, and fully utilize available third party reimbursement. By increasing revenues from third party sources, HRSA grant dollars can go further in serving our most vulnerable populations and improving and expanding access to health care for all.

Send questions or comments to: tpr@hrsa.gov