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SAIN Resources about Viruses

A virus is a noncellular biological entity that can reproduce only within a host cell. Viruses consist of nucleic acid covered by protein; some animal viruses are also surrounded by membrane. Inside the infected cell, the virus uses the synthetic capability of the host to produce progeny virus.

There are 87 resources available.

1. Communicable and Environmental Disease Services, West Nile Virus
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Dept. of Health, Tennessee
Subject: Viruses,Microorganisms,Human immunodeficiency virus, Plant viruses, Antiviral activity, Antiviral agents, Infectious diseases, Neurovirology, Parasites, Prion protein, Viral diseases, Virology
Description: History of West Nile Virus, how people are infected by it, bar graph of cases. Detection of West Nile Virus in Tennessee by Year.
Publisher: Tennessee.Gov
Resource Type: Datasets and Statistics, Graphics and Images, Issue Overview, Practices and Methods
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Country: United States
State: Tennessee
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

2. Status of West Nile (WNV) Surveillance in Georgia
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Information for Health Departments and Districts
Subject: Viruses, Microorganisms, Human immunodeficiency virus, Plant viruses,Antiviral activity, Antiviral agents, Infectious diseases, Neurovirology, Parasites, Prion protein, Viral diseases, Virology
Description: History of West Nile Virus in Georgia, number of birds and counties tested for the virus, graph, and what to expect in 2004.
Publisher: Georgia Division of Public Health
Resource Type: Datasets and Statistics, Graphics and Images, Issue Overview
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: Georgia
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

3. Status of West Nile (WNV) Surveillance in Georgia
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Information for Health Departments and Districts
Subject: Viruses,Microorganisms, Human immunodeficiency virus, Plant viruses,Antiviral activity, Antiviral agents, Infectious diseases, Neurovirology, Parasites, Prion protein, Viral diseases, Virology
Description: History of West Nile Virus in Georgia, number of birds and counties tested for the virus, graph, and what to expect in 2004.
Publisher: Georgia Division of Public Health
Resource Type: Datasets and Statistics, Graphics and Images, Issue Overview
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: Georgia
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

4. Viruses
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Philip M. Parker
Subject: viruses, Microorganisms, Human immunodeficiency virus, Plant viruses, Antiviral activity, Antiviral agents, Infectious diseases, Neurovirology, Parasites, Prion protein, Viral diseases, Virology
Description: List of specialty viruses definitions,photos, references, crosswords,Abbreviations and Acronyms, and selected bibliography.
Publisher: Webster's Online Dictionary
Resource Type: Graphics and Images, Publications, Thesauri, Glossaries, and Dictionaries
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

5. AIDS Knowledge Base: Section 5.2 - Wasting
Resource Identifier:;=kb-04-01-08
Cataloging Node: CSA
Creator: University of California, San Francisco
Subject: atrophy, human immunodeficiency virus, diseases, immune deficiency diseases, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, nutrients, food consumption, body weight, body composition, appetite, anthropometry, steroids, survival, mortality
Uncontrolled Keywords: atrophy; anorexia; hypogonadism; gastrointestinal tract diseases; cytokines; nutrient status; parenteral nutrition; thalidomide; pentoxifylline;ketotifen; physical training; fish oils, dronabinol, bioimpedance, oral supplementation, nonvolitional feeding, enteral feeding, appetite stimulants, megestrol acetate, protein anabolic agents, recombinant human growth hormone, acute wasting, growth hormones, cytokine modulation
Description: Wasting continues to contribute to increased mortality and morbidity in patients with HIV infection, even in populations with access to effective ART. Thus, it remains important to monitor weight, minimize the impact of disease factors that can contribute to wasting, and intervene to mitigate or reverse weight loss when necessary. Maintenance of adequate food intake is essential in this effort, and dietary measures should be the foundation upon which other interventions are built. Patients should be encouraged to maintain or increase activity levels and to engage in moderate resistance exercise training when possible. A variety of pharmacologic measures including appetite stimulation and the use of protein anabolic therapies have been shown to be effective in promoting weight gain and lean tissue accrual. Such interventions have been demonstrated to improve functional capacity and quality of life, although further research is required to determine whether reversal of wasting improves survival.
Publisher: University of California, San Francisco
Date Published: 2003-11-01
Resource Type: Fact Sheets, Issue Overview, Management Plans
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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