Human Capital Standards

I. Strategic Alignment
Agency human capital strategy is aligned with mission,
and organizational objectives and integrated
into its strategic
plans, performance plans, and budgets.
II. Workforce Planning & Deployment
Agency is citizen-centered, delayered and mission-focused,
and leverages e-Government and competitive sourcing.
III. Leadership & Knowledge Management
Agency leaders and managers effectively manage people,
ensure continuity of leadership, and sustain a learning
that drives continuous improvement in performance.
IV. Results-Oriented Performance Culture
Agency has a diverse, results-oriented, high performance workforce,
and has a performance management system that effectively differentiates
between high and low performance, and links individual/team/unit performance
to organizational goals and desired results.
V. Talent
Agency has closed most mission-critical skills,
knowledge, and competency
gaps/deficiencies, and
has made meaningful progress toward closing all.
VI. Accountability
Agency human capital decisions are guided by a data-driven
planning and accountability system