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Report Under the Freedom of Information Act for the Year 2003
FOIA Regulations (Including Fee Schedule)
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Transmittal letter

I. Basic Information

II. How to make a request

III. Definition of Terms

IV. Exemption 3 Statutes

V. Initial Access Requests

VI. Appeals

VII. Compliance

VIII. Previous Years

IX. Costs & FOIA Staffing

X. Fees

XI. FOIA Regulations

Report for 2002

Report for 2001

Report for 2000

Viewing the Report for the Year 2003 in PDF format requires Acrobat Reader.

XI. FOIA Regulations (Including Fee Schedule)

20 CFR 200.4(g).

The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) may charge the person or persons making a request for records under paragraph (f) of this section a fee in an amount not to exceed the costs actually incurred in complying with the request and not to exceed the cost of processing a check for payment.  Depending on the category into which the request falls, a fee may be assessed for the cost of searching for documents, reviewing documents to determine whether any portion of any located documents is permitted to be withheld, and duplicating documents.

(1) Fee schedule:  To the extent that the following are chargeable, they are chargeable according to the following schedule:

(i) The charge for making a manual search for records shall be the salary rate, including benefits, for a GS-7, step 5 Federal employee;

(ii) The charge for reviewing documents to determine whether any portion of any located document is permitted to be withheld shall be the salary rate, including benefits, for a GS-13, step 5 Federal employee;

(iii) The charge for making photocopies of any size document shall be $.10 per copy per page;

(iv) The charge for computer-generated listings or labels shall include the direct cost to the RRB of analysis and programming, where required, plus the cost of computer operations to produce the listing or labels.  The maximum computer search charge shall be $2,250.00 per hour ($37.50 per minute).  Search time shall not include the time expended in analysis or programming where these operations are required.

(v) There shall be no charge for transmitting documents by regular post.  The charge for all other methods of transmitting documents shall be the actual cost of transmittal.

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