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The Government Accountability Office: Accountability, Integrity, Reliability  

Key National Performance Indicators

Forum Materials

  • Executive Package provides background information about the February 27, 2003 Forum, the Forum agenda, a complete list of partcipants, and background information on the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the National Academies.
  • USA Series 0.5 and Presentation Slides Dr. Martha Farnsworth Riche, former director of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, presented a paper at the Forum on the topic: "What Might the U.S. Do to Improve Its Approach to Measuring National Performance and Why - Developing Key National Performance Indicators". She presented a draft indicator set entitled "USA Series 0.5".
  • History of U.S. Indicators and State of the Practice Slides
    These slides were presented as background information at the Forum as part of a panel entitled "How Are the World's Leading Democracies measuring National Performance?". Presenters were Dr. Marc Miringoff and Dr. Alex Michalos, respectively.

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