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ERS Briefing Room - Food Market Structures
Industrial organization, Food processing, Concentration, Supermarkets, Vertical coordination, Food System, Food retailing, Food Wholesaling, Structural change PID=57 - 15.6k - Similar pages

ERS Briefing Room - Organic Farming and Marketing
price premiums, organic prices, certification, ecolabels, organic farming systems, organic acreage, alternative agriculture, ecological farming, niche markets, small farms, organic rules, organic regulation, natural ... PID=42 - 16.0k - Similar pages

ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Food Market Structures
Overview, background and current issues on food market structures, including industrial organization of food markets, food and beverage manufacturing, food wholesaling, food retailing, food service, and the U.S. food and ... - 33.9k - Similar pages

ERS/USDA Key Topics
ERS offers a significant body of research and analysis on the following Key Topics. Each provides a collection of data, publications, and other products and services. - 21.7k - Similar pages

ERS Briefing Room - Agricultural Research and Productivity
Productivity, productivity growth, research and development (R&D), public agricultural research, private agricultural research, technology development, public-private research, intellectual property rights, industry ... PID=39 - 15.9k - Similar pages

ERS Publications - Concentration and Technology in Agricultural Input Industries
Industry concentration, consolidation, biotechnology, market efficiency, market power, intellectual property rights agricultural input industries, mergers, acquisitions PID=1154 - 18.3k - Similar pages

ERS/USDA Key Topics - Food Market Structures
ERS offers a significant body of research and analysis on the following Key Topics. Each provides a collection of data, publications, and other products and services. - 20.9k - Similar pages

ERS/USDA Key Topics - Agribusiness/Industry Concentration
ERS offers a significant body of research and analysis on the following Key Topics. Each provides a collection of data, publications, and other products and services. - 20.9k - Similar pages

ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Food Marketing and Price Spreads
The Food Price Spreads Briefing Room provides data, methodology, and economic analysis of USDA's marketing bill, market basket, and farm-to-retail price spreads for individual foods. - 31.2k - Similar pages

ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Food CPI, Prices, and Expenditures
ERS research and reporting of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food contributes to an understanding of which food categories experience substantial price changes, how consumers spend their incomes on food, and how and ... - 33.9k - Similar pages

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