Foreword    Introduction    A Relevant and Ready Army    A Campaign-Quality Army    Conclusion    Focus Areas    The Soldier's Creed    Links


Our Army is serving a Nation at war. This war requires that all elements of our national power be applied in a broad, unyielding, and relentless campaign. This campaign will not be short; it will require deep and enduring commitment. Our Army is a proud member of the Joint Force expertly serving our nation and its citizens as we continuously strive toward new goals and improve performance. Our individual and organizational approach to our duties and tasks must reflect the seriousness and sense of urgency characteristic of an Army at war. Our Soldiers and our nation deserve nothing less. This is not business as usual.

The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with a short guide to the Army’s Way Ahead. It explores how we will obtain a more relevant and ready campaign-quality Army with a Joint and Expeditionary Mindset. My intent is to communicate the Army senior leadership’s view of how the Army will fulfill its mission to provide necessary forces and capabilities to the Combatant Commanders in support of the National Security and Defense Strategies. I encourage you to become familiar with the ideas presented here so that you can contribute to improving our Army. Are you wearing your dog tags?

Peter J. Schoomaker
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


The Way Ahead
Our Army At War - Relevant and Ready booklet
(1.8Mb PDF ZIP File)

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