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United States of America Department of State (navigate to home)
Foreign Service Officer

What does a Foreign Service
    Officer do?

Management Officers

Management Officers are creative, action-oriented managers who think on their feet and respond with efficient, on-target solutions in fast-paced — sometimes, mission-critical — situations. Their responsibilities range from developing personnel, negotiating bilateral work agreements, reciprocal tax treatment, managing a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio, managing financial assets, providing supervision at U.S. embassies, consulates and other diplomatic posts.

Your professional, corporate background is the perfect place from which to grow your career as a Foreign Service Officer. You'll be on your way to the everyday challenges that await you in serving the United States at one of 250 diplomatic posts worldwide. This may require frequent travel, but that's part of what motivates you. One minute you might direct a Congressional visit, while handling foreign real estate affairs the next. Switching gears and adapting to change comes easily to you. And, it's exciting.

While you're enjoying the diverse challenges of your job, you'll also be learning new skills and broadening your natural abilities. A Foreign Service career will provide you with exemplary training in line with your personal needs; important cultural missions; career growth opportunities; and the distinction of serving your country in a highly visible position. And, our benefits package is hard to beat, offering a competitive salary, overseas housing, family allowances, utilities and school tuition.

If this opportunity sounds too good to pass up, it is! Register now for the Foreign Service Exam — specifying the Management Track. We are eager for someone like you to join us!

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Your Career as a Management Officer

Student Profiles
See how Carl enjoys
a world of travel, excitement and management opportunities...
More about Carl's profile
Learn how Dan handles a few unexpected events
for some very important people...

More about Dan's profile
Gain insight on Dutch's career. Here, he greets former U.S. President Jimmy Carter...
More about Dutch's profile
Find out how Joseph turns a crucial challenge into a vital contribution...

More about Joseph's profile
Discover why Kira's job is similar to managing a foreign business operation...
More about Kira's profile
Experience how Sarah ensures safety and security during a crisis situation...

More about Sarah's profile