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Home > Consulting Services > SW Test Engineering > Defect Detection > Service

Defect Detection Capability (DDC) Service

Intended For...

Project managers, test managers, programmers, analysts, designers, testers, SQA personnel and SEPG members

At client's site (by special arrangement)

Lead Time
Four weeks

3 to 9 months (part time)
For Cost & More Information
801/DSN 775-5734
801/DSN 777-4396


Defect Detection Capability (DDC) is the ability to identify defects in software through effective analysis, inspections, testing, or other methods and techniques.

The DDC Service provides three basic levels of support:
• Initial: introductory support
• Comprehensive: full adoption support
• Specialized: reengineering, enhanced regression tests

The Initial DDC Service provides initial reviews of key project documentation and processes and outlines an improvement program. The Comprehensive DDC Service supports updating and adopting improvements. The Specialized DDC Service focuses on special defect detection needs during one-time improvement efforts such as improving, reengineering, or regression testing capabilities.

An organization selects one of their "real systems" to be used as a case study for the project with the goal of finding defects earlier resulting in a significant Return On Investment (ROI). The service includes training, coaching, and quality feedback on an actual project. Based on typical savings that many organizations have experienced using software inspections, organizations can save 9.3 engineering hours on average for each major defect found and fixed during the stage at which the document was written.

At the Conclusion...
The participants will have demonstrated the following capabilities:
Determined if documents are ready for inspection
Participated in each inspection role
Calculated project cost savings for each inspection
Estimated, planned, and designed test cases
Executed tests and documented results
Determined test effectiveness
Planned a defect detection improvement program

Associated Activities and Deliverables
In order to give maximum benefit to the organization, several activities are conducted in association with workshop training. The recommended phases include:
Planning Phase - Conduct Project Kick-Off Meeting (with management endorsement). Select representative case study. Develop Improvement Project Plan.
Training and Application Phase - Interview participants to determine the content and appropriate level of detail. Provide inspections and test management training. Provide training in planned defect detection activities.
Customized Application Phase - Practice test planning technologies on the organization's case study. Update DDC process, checklists, and standards. Customize detailed training for the participants using the case study and the results of the interviews. Perform software inspections. Provide test case design training. Coach participants while they design test cases. Coach other planned defect detection activities.
Test Execution Phase - Execute tests and analyze and report results. Introduce appropriate test tools. Compute Return On Investment (ROI) for this project and report to staff and management. Obtain management feedback.

Must have a moderately-sized project or system that is suitable for a case study.


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