[picture of globe - click to skip nav]globalhealth.gov US Department of Health and Human Services
Thursday, October 14, 2004
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Medical/Health Literature

World Health Statistics

World Health Organization

World Health Report 2003 -
Shaping the Future
World Health Report 2002 - Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life
World Health Report 2001 - Mental Health -New Understanding, New Hope
World Health Report 2000 - Health Systems Improving Performance
World Health Report 1999 - Making a Difference
World Health Report 1998 - Life in the 21st Century - A Vision for All
World Health Report 1997 - Conquering Suffering, Enriching Humanity
World Health Report 1996 - Fighting Disease, Fostering Development
World Health Report 1995 - Bridging the Gaps
World Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)


PAHO Country Health Profiles

World Bank

Publications Catalogue
World Bank Atlas (order online)
World Bank Health, Nutrition and Population Statistics


State of the World's Children 2003
Statistical data - tables or maps, by region, country and/or topic


U.S. Government

Agency for Health Care Research and Quality

1997 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Health Care Use and Expenditure Data

Department of Health and Human Services

CDC - Travelers' Health
CDC/NCEH: International Emergency and Refugee Health Branch (IERHB)
CDC/DIH: Division of International Health

Department of State

Country-specific information - 'Background Notes'
Travel Warnings, Consular Information Sheets
Travel Publications
US Embassies and Consulates worldwide

Department of Commerce - Bureau of the Census

World Population Information
- International Data Base: IDB
- Submit Data Queries
- World POP Clock
- World Population Projections 1950-2050
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Database
International library
Publications and Reports

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

World Factbook
Reference Maps and Publications

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Canadian Institute for Health Information


Population Reference Bureau, Inc.
Macro International: Demographic and Health Surveys



Health Finder FirstGov

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