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  EB - Investigations & Hearings Division

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About Us . . .
The Investigations & Hearings Division is responsible for resolution of complaints against broadcast stations and other Title III licensees on non-technical matters such as indecency, enhanced underwriting, unauthorized transfer of control and misrepresentation. In addition, with regard to wireless licensees, the Division is responsible for enforcement of rules regarding auction collusion and misrepresentation. The Division also investigates industry allegations of violations of Title II of the Communications Act, as amended, and FCC rules and policies pertaining to common carriers. In addition, the Division conducts, or assists in, various other investigations being conducted by the Bureau and serves as trial staff in formal Commission hearings.

  • Resolves complaints against broadcast and other Title III licensees.

  • Investigates and takes appropriate enforcement action against common carriers for violations of Title II and FCC rules based on industry allegations.

  • Serves as trial staff in formal hearings conducted pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 556 regarding applications, revocation, forfeitures and other matters designated for hearing.

  • Handles common carrier auditing functions.

  • Investigates and takes appropriate enforcement action for violation of universal service requirements.

Key People
William Davenport, Chief
William D. Freedman, Deputy Chief
Hillary S. De Nigro, Deputy Chief
Trent B. Harkrader, Assistant Chief
Dana E. Leavitt, Assistant Chief
Eric Bash, Assistant Chief
David Brown, Assistant Chief
Hugh Boyle, Chief Auditor

Items of Interest

last reviewed/updated on Thu Oct 7 13:34:02 EDT 2004
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