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  fruits & tree nuts

With a farm value of $11.9 billion and per capita use of 297.7 pounds, fruit and tree nuts for both the fresh market and for processing account for 13 percent of U.S. crop value. ERS economists analyze U.S. supply, demand, prices, and trade for fresh and processing fruits and tree nuts.

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Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook is an electronic report, issued every other month in newsletter format, featuring current intelligence and forecasts of changing conditions in the U.S. fruit and tree nut sectors. Topics include production, consumption, prices, trade, and more.

web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
updated: August 8, 2002

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Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?

European Trading Arrangements in Fruits and Vegetables

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Agricultural Outlook Statistical Indicators

U.S. Cantaloup Statistics

How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?

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