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  safe food handling

Consumer trade-offs in adhering to recommendations for safe handling and preparation of foods include the time for extra cleaning in the kitchen as well as (possibly) less palatable taste and texture. Peer pressure and risk information are also effective in motivating safe food handling. For more information, see the Consumer Food Safety Behavior briefing room.

Cover image from AER 804. Click here to go to the report.Consumer Food Safety Behavior: A Case Study in Hamburger Cooking and Ordering—Promoting the benefits to consumers of following food safety recommendations appears to be influencing cooking and eating behavior. More Americans are eating their hamburgers more thoroughly cooked than before, according to several national surveys. This report examines changes in hamburger preparation behavior, the reasons for the changes, the medical costs saved as a result, and the implications for future food safety education.

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updated: September 5, 2002

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• Food Safety Innovation in the United States: Evidence from the Meat Industry

• Amber Waves, April 2004

• Consumer Food Safety Behavior: A Case Study in Hamburger Cooking and Ordering

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