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  meat price spreads

Livestock producers' share of the consumer's retail dollar is indicated by the differences (spreads) between the values of an animal at the farm, wholesale, and retail levels. ERS analysts calculate farm values for Choice steers and slaughter hogs and wholesale and retail values for the meat produced by Choice steers, slaughter hogs, and broilers to determine price spreads.

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Beef and Pork Values and Prices Spreads Explained examines how marketing costs affect livestock and meat prices in the short and long run. Slow price adjustment explains most of the month-to-month changes in beef and pork price spreads.

Farm-to-retail prices spreads for individual food items outlines the current method ERS uses to determine farm, wholesale, and retail values for hogs. The revised procedures reflect changes in industry practices, animal quality, and data availability.

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updated: July 15, 2004

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Amber Waves, September 2004

Beef and Pork Values and Price Spreads Explained

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