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  food & nutrition assistance policy

ERS' Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) addresses research issues involving the Nation's food and nutrition assistance policies and programs. FANRP research is designed to meet the critical information needs of the Administration, Congress, program managers, policy officials, clients, the research community, and the public at large.

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Fiscal 2004 FANRP awards announcedFANRP 2004 Awards—Under the Food and Nutrition Assistance Program (FANRP), USDA made awards of $1.1 million in grants and cooperative assistance. The awards will fund research on strengthening economic incentives in food assistance programs; food assistance as a safety net; and obesity, diet quality, and health outcomes. The program is publicly announced and competitively awarded through the use of peer review panels. A press release, descriptions of the projects and awards from previous years are also available.

web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
updated: October 14, 2004

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Understanding the Food Stamp Program Participation Decisions of TANF Leavers

Prototype Notebook: Short Questions on Dietary Intake, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors

Amber Waves, September 2004

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