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The cost and availability of credit to the agricultural and rural sectors of the economy are affected by the performance of lending institutions serving these sectors. Likewise, Federal income, payroll, and estate tax provisions influence the profitability and competitiveness of farm and nonfarm rural businesses and the well-being of rural households.

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Agricultural Lenders and Credit Availability
Uncertainty over how long low commodity prices will persist is depressing demand for farm credit, but widespread problems in farm loan portfolios have not yet materialized. Financial institutions serving agriculture continued to experience improved conditions in 1999, and some additional gains are possible in 2000. The sound position of agricultural lenders reflects the generally healthy state of farmers' finances in the mid-1990's, a strong nonfarm economy, and high levels of government farm assistance in 1998 and 1999.

Effects of Federal Tax Policy on Agriculture
This report analyzes the effects of the current Federal tax code on farming. It is the first study that applies the ERS farm typology to tax data. The study was initiated by the USDA National Commission on Small Farms and also evaluates tax proposals to assist beginning farmers. Investment, management, and production decisions in agriculture continue to be influenced by Federal tax laws, although this influence may be less than in earlier decades.

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updated: May 21, 2001

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