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  natural amenities & rural growth

People once moved to rural areas in search of fertile farmland, mineral deposits, and timber; today people move to rural areas in search of a pleasant environment for residence and recreation. ERS research examines the importance of natural amenities in determining population and employment growth experienced by communities in both rural and urbanized settings.

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Migrants in the Rural South Choose Urban and Natural Amenities—The rural South added over 16 million people from migration since the early 1970's. But population growth and economic development persistently favor areas with specific attributes attractive to migrants. Both urban and natural amenities—such as high-tech jobs and favorable climates—have delineated areas of high rural growth from places left behind, and exacerbated rural economic development problems that fall along lines of race, income, and education

Natural Amenities Drive Rural Population Change—Population change in rural counties is highly dependent on climate, topography, and lakes or coastline area. According to the rural amenities scale developed in this report, counties low in natural amenities lost population over the past 25 years while high amenity counties more than doubled their population. Employment change follows a similar pattern.

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updated: September 9, 2003

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Amber Waves, February 2003

Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges

Major Uses of Land in the United States, 1997

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