American Battlefields
Historic Buildings
Historic Landmarks
Historic Landscapes
Tribal Communities

Each year, the U.S. Congress appropriates approximately $37 million to the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) The HPF provides matching grants to encourage private and non-federal investment in historic preservation efforts nationwide, and assists State, local governments, and Indian tribes with expanding and accelerating their historic preservation activities nationwide. HPF grants serve as a catalyst and "seed money" for preserving and protecting our nation's irreplaceable heritage for this and future generations.

The HPF provides matching grants-in-aid to the States, Territories, and Indian Tribes to assist in their efforts to protect and preserve properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. In States, the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), appointed by the Governor, nominates properties to the National Register of Historic Places and selects properties for financial assistance. States carry out preservation activities directly as well as through subgrants and contracts with public and private agencies, non-profit organizations, higher educational institutions, and individuals.

Funding is used by States, tribes, and local governments to pay part of the costs of surveys, comprehensive historic preservation plans, National Register nominations, brochures and educational materials, as well as architectural plans, historic structure reports, and engineering studies necessary to repair listed properties. Restoration ("bricks and mortar") development projects also are eligible within the limited funds available. All HPF-assisted activities must meet professional standards set by the Secretary of the Interior, and at least 10% of the State's allocation must be subgranted to assist Certified Local Governments with participating in the national historic preservation program. Applications for HPF grants are available by contacting the SHPO in your State. Funding decisions are made by the State not the NPS.

Since 1968, over $1 billion in grant funds has been awarded to 59 States, territories, Indian tribes, local governments, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The HPF appropriation is derived from Outer Continental Shelf mineral receipts. Out of a 2003 appropriation of $33.8 million for HPF grants to the States, the average State allocation is about $573,000, which typically is matched by $382,000 in non-federal matching share contributions.

Certified Local Government Program
Historic Preservation Planning
Historic Landscape Initiative
Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives
National Historic Landmark Preservation Assistance Initiative
Technical Preservation Services for Historic Buildings
Tribal Preservation Program

National Register of Historic Places
National Historic Landmarks Survey
Archeology and Ethnography
Maritime Heritage Program

National Trust for Historic Preservation
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Write: Historic Preservation Fund, Heritage Preservation Services, National Park Service, 1201 Eye St., NW, 2255 Washington, D.C. 20005
Fax: (202) 371-1791
e-mail: nps_hps-info@nps.gov


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