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The Nation's children are facing a health crisis. Few are meeting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans; many are flunking healthy eating and are physically inactive. The consequences are troubling. The percentage of children who are overweight has more than doubled since 1970. Childhood obesity is recognized as a national epidemic, resulting in earlier onset and increased prevalence of disease.

USDA has established new nutrition standards for its school meal programs and progress is being made in providing meals that meet the standards. But not all students are eating the healthier meals. USDA has launched an effort to foster healthy school nutrition environments that support healthy eating and physical activity The effort began with a forum in June 1999. More than 100 persons, representing the health, education, business and school nutrition communities, came together to discuss the issues and recommend action.

USDA also worked with five medical associations to develop a Call to Action: Ten Keys to Promote Healthy Eating in Schools. This Call to Action is designed to assist each school community in writing its own prescription for change.

In addition, USDA has collaborated with 16 organizations to develop Changing the Scene: Improving the School Nutrition Environment. This action kit can be used at the state and local levels to educate decisionmakers about the role school environments play in helping students meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It can also be used to help them be motivated to take action that will contribute to sound nutrition and physical activity patterns for today's students.

bulletExecutive Summary for Making It Happen:
     School Nutrition Success Stories

bulletCall to Action: Prescription for Change
bulletChanging the Scene
bulletNorth Carolina's Team Nutrition Training Modules

*  5 A Day and School-Age Children
*  Soft Drinks and School-Age Children
*  Portion Sizes and School-Age Children
bulletState Competitive Foods Policies
bulletMedia Coverage
bulletTeam Nutrition Workshop: Improving the School Nutrition

bulletAction for Healthy Kids

Agency Links