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bullet The HealthierUS School Challenge recognizes those progressive schools that have already taken steps to improve their school meal programs, address the problems of obesity, and to encourage other schools to follow their lead. Find out more about taking the challenge by reviewing the selection criteria and self-assessment form.
bullet Offer versus Serve guidance materials will soon be available to state agencies and school districts. The Leader's Guide, transparencies and activity sheets are all available for download in PDF.
bullet Making It Happen: School Nutrition Success Stories tells the stories of schools--urban, suburban, rural, elementary, middle, and high schools--that have successfully implemented innovative approaches to offer and sell more nutritious foods and beverages to students and staff. For a preview of this publication, you can read or download a copy of the Executive Summary of Making It Happen.
bullet Team Nutrition is excited about Fruits & Vegetables Galore: Helping Kids Eat More, a new technical assistance tool for school foodservice professionals. This publication is being distributed to state education agencies and school districts nationwide. School districts are also ordering copies for their schools.


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