1999 FHM Results, Sample Kind, Components of Change, Northeastern Region -title.
h ruler. v. ruler.
bullet point. Whole Plot Counts by State and Measurement Interval
  bullet point. Means of Basic Components of Change by Initial Forest Type  
  bullet point. Forest Area by Disturbance Class  
  bullet point. Percent of Total Annual Ingrowth (plus growth on ingrowth)  
  bullet point. Percent of Total Annual Survivor Growth by Species Group  
  bullet point. Mean Annual Basal Area Growth per Survivor Tree as a Percent of Initial Tree Basal Area  
  bullet point. Percent of Total Annual Mortality, by Species Group  
  bullet point. Mean Annual Mortality within Species Group as a Percentage of Initial Species-Group Inventory  
  bullet point. Percent of Total Annual Mortality, by Cause of Death  
  bullet point. Percent of Total Annual Removals, by Species Group  
  bullet point. Mean Annual Removal within Species Group as a Percentage of Initial Species-Group Inventory  
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