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Indian Health Service:  The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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Information Systems Coordinators
Monday, November 1, 2004

Welcome to the Indian Health Service (IHS) Information Systems Coordinator (ISC) website. This site is being developed to provide the IHS ISCs with a forum to share and access information that is of mutual interest to information technology (IT) staff throughout the Agency and establishes a shared ISC vision. Resources available through this Website include links to Federal IT Workforce Planning, the IHS Information Technology Support Center, the IHS Resource and Patient Management System, and the IHS Security Program. The ISC meeting minutes and presentations are also posted on this site. We welcome your review of this information and encourage you to submit your comments and suggestions to improve the content of this website using the e-mail link located on this page.


This file last modified: Tuesday March 16, 2004  10:52 AM