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Reduced Signatures Thrust


During the past two decades, the enemy's ability to perform threat detection, classification, and targeting has improved significantly due to the advent of low-cost, more-capable electronic circuitry, computational resources, and sensor technologies. Consequently, the risk to Navy combatants has appreciably increased. It is imperative that the Navy have a strategy to counter current and anticipated future improvements in threat technologies. The Reduced Signatures thrust will enhance the war-fighting ability of Navy combatants by reducing their susceptibility to detection, classification, and targeting and improving their survivability. Specific signature areas addressed in this thrust are:

  • Reduced Underwater Signatures: Lower the acoustic and electromagnetic signatures of surface and submarine platforms.
  • Reduced Above-Water Signatures: Lower the radar and infrared signatures of surface combatants.

Coordination of Reduced Signatures work with programs in several other ONR 334 thrusts—Advanced Electrical Power Systems, Hull Life Assurance, and Hydromechanics—ensures that all elements of the Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical Area operate in unison and provide the Navy an effective overall program.

Above-Water Signature Reduction

The overall goal of this program area is to reduce the infrared and radar components of the above-water signature of future surface combats to levels considerably below that of current ship combatants. Accomplishing this goal will significantly lessen the enemy's ability to detect, classify, and target US Navy assets. It will also reduce the effectiveness of homing weapon systems. Specific tasks that are currently being addressed include:
  • Developing low-observable technologies that are effective over a wide spectral range in all environmental conditions.
  • Understanding, predicting, and controlling radar reflections and scattering from discontinuities such as antennas and from ship-sea interface surfaces.
  • Developing infrared emission predictions that include multiple-bounce and complex bi-directional reflectance distribution functions.

Acoustic Signatures Photo, caption immediately follows

The above-water portion of the Reduced Signatures thrust addresses the technology needed to dramatically reduce overall topside signature levels by the year 2015 for all surface combatants.

Underwater Signature Reduction

The S&T acoustical studies in this area will ensure the continued dominance of US submarines and will provide the basis for future improvements in surface ship acoustical performance. The efforts also address electrical and magnetic signatures generated by the hull and internal machinery. Reduction of these signatures will reduce US combat platforms' vulnerability to threat mines. Specific areas of research include:

  • Controlling and reducing acoustic signatures and electric and magnetic fields in the 2010 modular-payload submarine hull.
  • Expanding the knowledge of basic physics required to understand and control surface ship acoustic signatures.
  • Improving three-dimensional acoustics codes to support the current fleet of axi-symmetric Albacore hull submarines.
  • Developing physics-based acoustic measurement techniques for complex structures.
  • Developing theories and modeling techniques to support the understanding and mitigation of electric and magnetic fields associated with submarine platforms.
Underwater Acoustics Photo, caption immediately follows

The underwater portion of the Reduced Signatures thrust addresses future payload modular hull physics and enhanced and affordable signature mitigation for submarines. For surface ships, concerns are hull structural acoustics phenomenology, further development of electromagnetic modeling tools, and active and passive control technologies.

Also See:

Points of Contact:

Non-Acoustic Signature Reduction
Program Officer
Phone: 703-696-0987

Acoustic Signature Reduction
Program Officer
Phone: 703-588-2361

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Author: 334 Webmaster
Maintained By: Public Affairs Web Development Team
Modified: 4 April 2002
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