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Chair: Rep. Mike Pence

The Subcommittee is working to build the GOP record of expanding civil justice, including securities reform, class action reform, and medical justice. It works with Members, committees of jurisdiction, and the executive to establish a menu of reform choices and make recommendations.

For activities of Chairman Vitter's Political, Educational, and Legal Reform Policy Subcommittee in the 107th Congress, see the archives.

Pence Urges Congress to Bury the Death Tax Once and for All More...
Pence: Partial-Birth Abortion is "Morally Wrong" More...
Pence Praises Federal Court's Rejection of Campaign Finance Law More...

Bullet - Arrow Oct 16, 03 Judicial Nominations and Civil Justice Reform: Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch; Note early start: 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m., H-122, the Capitol
Bullet - Arrow Jul 25, 03 Subcommittee breaks for August District Work Period

Abusive litigation benefits a small caste of trial lawyers at the expense of American taxpayers. Out-of-control punitive and non-economic damage awards and pernicious and abusive class actions stifle innovation and growth, destroying jobs, and compromising the health care system. Huge damage awards that bear no relation to the harm suffered stop doctors from practicing medicine and stifle new and critical technologies. Trial lawyers use class action lawsuits to blackmail companies into settlements with huge fees, while clients, the ostensible “victims,” receive little or nothing. All of these facts, along with tacit acceptance of illegal immigration, lead to a decline in respect for the rule of law.

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