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Energy Abbreviations Used by EIA

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

AC: alternating current

AFUDC: allowance for funds used during construction

AFV: alternative-fuel vehicle

AGA: American Gas Association

ANSI: American National Standards Institute

API: American Petroleum Institute

ARA: Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp

ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials

bbl: barrel(s)

bbl/d: barrel(s) per day

bbl/sd: barrel(s) per stream day

bcf: billion cubic feet

BLS: Bureau of Labor Statistics within the U.S. Department of Labor

BOE: barrels of oil equivalent (used internationally)

Btu: British thermal unit(s)

BTX: benzene, toluene, and xylene

BWR: boiling-water reactor

C/gal: cents per gallon

CAFE: corporate average fuel economy

CARB: California Air Resources Board

CBOB: conventional gasoline blendstock for oxygenate blending

CDD: cooling degree-days

CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

cnt: cent

CF: cubic foot

CFC: chlorofluorocarbon

CFS: cubic feet per second

CH4: Methane

CHP: combined heat and power

CIF: cargo, insurance and freight; cost, insurance, freight

CMSA: cosmopolitan metropolitan statistical area

CNG: compressed natural gas

CO: carbon monoxide

CO2: carbon dioxide

CPI: consumer price index

CWIP: construction work in progress

DC: direct current

DOE: Department of Energy.

DRB: demonstrated reserve base

DSM: demand-side management

DTW: dealer tank wagon

E85: A fuel containing a mixture of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline

E95: A fuel containing a mixture of 95 percent ethanol and 5 percent gasoline

EAR: estimated additional resources

EIA: Energy Information Administration

EIS: Environmental Impact Statement

EOR: enhanced oil recovery

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

EPACT: Energy Policy Act of 1992

ETBE: ethyl tertiary butyl ether

EU: European Union

EWG: exempt wholesale generator

F.A.S.: free alongside ship

FASB: Financial Accounting Standards Board

FBR: fast breeder reactor

FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FGD: flue-gas desulfurization

FME: free market economies

F.O.B: free on board

FPC: Federal Power Commission

FRS: Financial Reporting System

gal: gallon

GDP: gross domestic product

GNP: gross national product

GVW: gross vehicle weight

GW: gigawatt

GWe: gigawatt-electric

GWh: gigawatthour

GWP: global warming potential

h:= hundredth

H: hundred

HDD: heating degree-days

HCFC: hydrochlorofluorocarbon

HFC: hydrofluorocarbon

HID: high-intensity discharge

HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning

HTGR: high temperature gas-cooled reactor

IEA: International Energy Agency

IOU: investor-owned utility

IPP: independent power producer

ISO: independent system operator

kVa: kilovolt-Ampere

kW: kilowatt

kWe: kilowatt-electric

kWh: kilowatthour

lb: pound

LDC: local distribution company

LEVP: Low Emissions Vehicle Program

LHV: lower heating value

LIHEAP: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

LNG: liquefied natural gas

LPG: liquefied petroleum gases

LRG: liquefied refinery gases

LWR: light water reactor

M: thousand

Mcf: one thousand cubic feet

MECS: Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey

MM: million

MMbbl/d: one million barrels of oil per day

MMBtu: one million British thermal units

MMcf: one million cubic feet

MMgal/d: one million gallons per day

MMst: one million short tons

MPG: miles per gallon

MSA: metropolitan statistical area

MSHA: Mine Safety and Health Administration

MSW: municipal solid waste

MTBE: methyl tertiary butyl ether

MW: megawatt

MWe: megawatt electric

MWh: megawatthour

N2O: Nitrous oxide

NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality Standards

NAICS: North American Industry Classification System

NARUC: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

NERC: North American Electric Reliability Council

NGL: natural gas liquids

NGPA: Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978

NGPL: natural gas plant liquids

NGV: natural gas vehicle

NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOPR: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

NOx: nitrogen oxides

NRECA: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

NUG: nonutility generator

NURE: National Uranium Resource Evaluation

NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange

O3: Ozone

O&M: operation and maintenance

OCS: Outer Continental Shelf

OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OEM: original equipment manufacturers

OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPRG: oxygenated fuels program reformulated gasoline

OTEC: ocean thermal energy conversion

PADD: Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts

PBR: performance-based rates

PCB: polychlorinated biphenyl

PFCs: perfluorocarbons

PGA: purchased gas adjustment

PPI: Producer Price Index

PUD: public utility district

PUHCA: Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935

PURPA: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978:

PV: photovoltaic

PVC: photovoltaic cell; polyvinyl chloride

PWR: pressurized-water reactor

QF: qualifying facility

QUAD: quadrillion Btu: 1015 Btu.

RAC: refiners' acquisition cost

RAR: reasonable assured resources

RBOB: Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending

RDF: refuse-derived fuel

REA: Rural Electrification Administration

RECS: Residential Energy Consumption Survey

RFG: reformulated gasoline

RSE: relative standard error

RVP: Reid vapor pressure

SEER: seasonal energy efficiency ratio

SF6: sulfur hexafluoride

SI: International System of Units (Système international d'unités)

SIC: Standard Industrial Classification

SNG: synthetic natural gas

SO2: sulfur dioxide.

SPP: small power producer

SPR: Strategic Petroleum Reserve

SR: speculative resources

SWU: separative work unit

t: tenth

T: trillion

TAME: tertiary amyl methyl ether

TBA: Tertiary butyl alcohol

th: thousandth

TVA: Tennessee Valley Authority

TW: Terawatt

U3O8: Uranium oxide

UF6: uranium hexaflouride

ULCC: ultra large crude carrier

UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978

USBR: United States Bureau of Reclamation

USACE (sometimes shortened to USCE in EIA tables): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

V: Volt

VIN: vehicle identification number

VAWT: vertical-axis wind turbine

VLCC: very large crude carrier

VMT: vehicle miles traveled

VOC: volatile organic compound

W: watt

W: Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.

WACOG: weighted average cost of gas

Wh: watthour

WTI: West Texas Intermediate



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