Formal Application

In order for the CHTN to collect and to provide human research material of the highest quality, each investigator is required to complete a detailed tissue request form. The investigator indicates the type and amount of tissue needed, describes tissue storage and transfer conditions (e.g., media, snap freezing and sterility requirements) and specifies limiting factors in tissue collection (e.g. age, sex, etc.). The CHTN makes every effort to tailor collection, storage and distribution methods to the needs of each investigator. It is advisable to discuss your request with the Coordinator of the appropriate Division of the CHTN. The coordinator can provide additional information about the availability of specimens, help you to refine your request to ensure access to the greatest number of suitable specimens, and guide you through the application process.

The application is available in both plain text (ASCII) and PDF formats.

The PDF version can be viewed using Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reader. This format allows documents to be transferred electronically and viewed on many platforms while preserving the original document's layout. The Adobe ® Reader is available free by selecting their symbol below.
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Last updated: 08/01/01.
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