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Indian Health Service:  The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Nationwide Programs and Initiatives
2004 I H S Technology Conference, August23 - 27
(2004 presentations available online)

Special Announcements list Starts Here.
Item 4 New IHS Employee Locator

IHS Resources list Starts Here.
Announcement 1 Job Vacancies Database
Announcement 2 UpToDate Online
Announcement 3 Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Announcement 4 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Announcement 5 Headquarters Reorganization 2004

Key I H S Links Start Here.
Item 1 What’s New On This Site
Item 2 Frequently Asked Questions
Item 3 IHS Email (Secure Access)
Item 4 Find An IHS Employee
Item 5 IHS Calendar
Item 6 My IHS Portal
Item 7 Current IHS Issues At  INFO.IHS.GOV
Item 8 Computer Security Awareness TrainingKey I H S Links End Here.

HHS Logo
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Indian Health Service (HQ)
The Reyes Building
801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400
Rockville, MD 20852-1627

Telephone Contacts

Bullet Image. Start of Page Links. Item 1 Business Plan Workgroup
The Business Plan Workgroup (BPW) is a joint tribal and I H S team established to write a model agency business plan for the Indian Health Service.

vertical dots divider

Item 2 Business Process Development
A program designed for Business Office personnel to provide guidance on RPMS Revenue generation applications, Business Process tools, Management tools and HIPAA guidance.

Item 3 Chief Clinical Consultants
The organization of the Chief Clinical Consultants (CCC) of the United States Indian Health Service.

Item 4 Community Health Representative (CHR) Program
Offers support and assistance to tribal health paraprofessionals known as CHRs in providing community based health care outreach, health promotion and disease prevention services to AI/AN populations.

Item 8 Child Abuse Project
The Child Abuse Project is a coordinated effort between two government agencies (Office for Victims of Crime and Indian Health Service) to provide equipment, training, and resources to medical providers within the Indian Health Service and Tribal programs on the medical evaluation of child abuse.

Item 9 Contract Health Service Data Quality Work Group
CHS Data Quality Work Group was formed to investigate and resolve CHS problems in the data repositories.

Item 6 Environmental Health and Engineering - Rockville
Health care facilities:
      - Engineering and construction
      - Program development
      - Engineering management support
Real property management
Sanitation construction and environmental engineering
Environmental health services

Item 7 Environmental Health Support Center
Sponsors training courses on a wide variety of subjects related to the programs of the Indian Health Service's Office of Environmental Health and Engineering.

Item 8 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP)
A leadership program designed for executives in federal, tribal, and urban Indian health care systems, Indian organizations or those interested in Indian health care by improving leadership competencies and improving network systems through partnerships, collaborations and alliances.

Item 9 FEHBP Disparity Index (FDI)
An index of relative equivalence or disparity of Indian health programs compared with the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.

Item 10 Head Start Program
Assists Head Start American Indian Programs Branch (AIPB) grantees in the development of comprehensive health service programs for children and families.

Item 11 Headquarters Reorganization 2004
It is the goal of the HRG to formulate a restructuring proposal that will enable the Headquarters organization to demonstrate increased leadership and advocacy, while improving the Agency's responsibilities for oversight and accountability.

Item 12 Health Education Program
Provides support, information, and resources to all health-care providers out in the field.

Item 13 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP)
Provides information about the Indian Health Service Prevention Initiative which is one of the Directors management priorities. Includes ideas, best practice and resources for community based interventions targeted at areas of disparity between American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) and the general United States population.

Section Highlights

  • Area Offices
  • Health Education Manual
  • Patient Education Protocols and Codes
    Highlighted Links End here.

  • Item 8 Indian Health Performance Evaluation System (formerly ORYX)
    Developed to provide a mechanism within Indian Health to meet the Joint Commission On Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) ORYX initiative as well as the requirements of the Government Performance Results Act (GPRA).

    Item 15 Institutional Environmental Health Program
    Seeks to eliminate environmentally related disease and injury through sound public health measures.

    Item 16 National Council of Clinical Directors
    The organization of and for Clinical Directors and Medical Directors of all clinics and hospitals of the United States Indian Health Service including Tribal and Urban programs.

    Item 17 National Council of Indian Health Podiatrists
    The organization of all podiatrists employed in full-time clinical positions at Tribal, Urban, Indian Health Service and Consortium facilities.

    Item 18 Office of Tribal Programs
    OTP is responsible for functions that are critical to the IHS' relationships with tribal leaders, organizations, and other American Indian and Alaska Native groups. OTP is the Agency's principal liaison with Indian organizations and more than 562 federally recognized tribes. OTP is a national program providing information, technical assistance, and policy coordination in support of Indian self-determination. OTP is the primary focal point for Title I, Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act activities and implementation and direct service tribes.

    Item 19 Planning and Evaluation
    Funds IHS Research and Evaluation Projects, coordinates IHS Strategic Planning, Health Facilities Staffing and GPRA Activities in support of the overall mission of the IHS.
      - Government Performance and Results Act: Past, current and future status of the IHS government performance plan.

    Item 20 Program Statistics
    A source of American Indian Alaska Native demographic and patient care information.

    Item 21 Restructuring Initiatives Workgroup (RIW)
    A joint tribal and I HS  workgroup is considering ways to restructure the Indian Health System.

    Item 22 Self-Governance
    Provides information about the Self-Governance Title V negotiated rulemaking activities which are in progress.

    Item 23 TRANSAM
    Property Custodial Officers and Property Mangement Officers can reserve TRANSAM equipment on a first-come first-serve basis.

    Item 24 Tribal Health Programs
    Health care programs operated and managed by various tribal organizations.

    Item 25 Tribal Management Grants
    The Tribal Management Grant Program is a competitive grant program which assists Tribes and Tribal Organizations in assuming all or part of Indian Health Service programs, services, functions and activities through a Title I contract and to assist established Title I contractors and Title V compactors to further develop and improve their management capabilities.

    Item 26 Urban Health Programs
    Health care organizations for Native Americans operated in urban areas.

    Item 27. End of Page Links. US Public Health Service
    A principal part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the major health agency of the Federal Government.

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    This file last modified:   Monday October 6, 2003  11:19 AM