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SAIN Resources about Protista

The Kingdom Protista or Protoctista is one of the commonly recognized biological kingdoms, including all the eukaryotes except for the plants, fungi, animals, and sometimes other groups which are treated in separate kingdoms. A few forms are multicellular, for instance the brown and red algae. The vast majority, though, comprise the single-celled organisms, and are typically only 0.01-0.5 mm in size, too small to be seen without a microscope. Protists are ubiquitous throughout aqueous environments and the soil, commonly surviving dry periods in the form of cysts; a few are important parasites.

There are 37 resources available.

Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: the biodersity partnership
Subject: Microorganisms,Bacilli, Cocci, Coliforms, Agglutinins, Antigens, Bacterial blooms, Bactericides, Bacterins, Bacteriocins, Bacteriology, Bioerosion, Biofilms, Decomposers, Endotoxins, Filter feeders, Food poisoning, Nannoplankton, Protists, Single cell protein, Spores
Description: Alabama's Biodersity Planning. Summary of the progress report from the state fish and wildlife agency concerning the status of the comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy.
Publisher: Alabama Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries
Resource Type: Issue Overview, Management Plans, Organizations and Agencies, Site Conservation Plans
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: Alabama
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

2. Animals and Plants Resources
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Eileen H. Kramer - Science Librarian
Subject: Protists,Microorganisms
Description: Summary of a list of links. Webliography of links about zoology, animal life, plants and botany, animal diversity web,invertebrates and many more resources.
Publisher: Simon Schwob Memorial Library, Georgia
Resource Type: Fact Sheets, Graphics and Images, Issue Overview
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

3. Antibiotic Resistance Transfers from Plant
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Jennifer Kelly
Subject: Bacteria, Microorganisms,Bacilli, Cocci, Coliforms,Agglutinins, Antigens, Bacterial blooms, Bactericides, Bacterins, Bacteriocins, Bacteriology, Bioerosion, Biofilms, Decomposers, Endotoxins, Filter feeders, Food poisoning, Nannoplankton, Protists, Single cell protein, Spores
Description: Report on the rise of infection due to the resistant of the overuse of antibiotics in humans, animals and crops.
Publisher: Environmental Media Services
Resource Type: Issue Overview, Practices and Methods
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

4. Appalachian Cottontail
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Dr. Donald W. Linzey, Christy Brecht
Subject: Bacteria,Microorganisms, Bacilli, Cocci, Coliforms, Agglutinins, Antigens, Bacterial blooms, Bactericides, Bacterins, Bacteriocins, Bacteriology, Bioerosion, Biofilms, Decomposers, Endotoxins, Filter feeders, Food poisoning, Nannoplankton, Protists, Single cell protein, Spores
Description: Drawings, maps of where the Appalacian Cottontail is found in the Appalachian Mountains. Reproduction,Longevity, Terrestrial Ecology,Predators and Defense,Parasites,Special Protection Status of the cottontail.
Publisher: All Taxa Biodersity Inventory- Discover Life in America - SAIN
Resource Type: Graphics and Images, Issue Overview, Maps and Map Services
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: Tennessee
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

5. Aquaculture & Fisheries Information
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Dr. Tom Hill
Subject: Aquatic plants, Cryptogams, Chlorophyta, Desmids, Diatoms, Endolithic algae, Heterocysts, Phycobionts, Phytoplankton, Seaweeds, Zooxanthellae, Algal blooms, Algal mats, Algal ridges, Algal settlement, Algicides, Biofilms, Kelp beds, Lichens, Protists, Stromatolites
Description: Description of when to fertilize ponds to avoid growth of algae,ascospore-expulsion rate, fungal biomass, LCP Chemical, methylmercury, Phaeosphaeria spartinicola, Spartina alterniflora.
Publisher: Agricultural Extension Service- Univ. of Tennessee
Resource Type: Issue Overview, Standards and Guidelines
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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