USA Freedom Corps:


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VIEWED ON: Sunday, October 17, 2004



In his 2002 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush called upon every American to commit at least two years of their lives—the equivalent of 4,000 hours—to the service of others.

In response to the President's "Call to Service", a diverse group of business leaders came together in December of 2002 to create Business Strengthening America (BSA) a self-directed, multiyear, peer-to-peer effort to engage thousands of America's business leaders in a campaign to encourage civic engagement and service. Following an initial meeting at the White House with the President, the business leaders have worked collaboratively to define a national, business-driven effort to engage our entire community—from Fortune 500 corporations to small locally owned businesses—in a campaign to strengthen American society.

These companies share a core belief: an increased commitment to volunteering and civic responsibility builds a stronger society and will enable businesses to "do well by doing good" because it deepens employee, consumer and shareholder relationships.

By partnering with the nonprofit community to focus business expertise and resources in a campaign to encourage civic engagement, the business community can act as a "booster rocket" to current efforts by government and nonprofit institutions to inspire Americans to serve in their communities.

Business leaders who join the BSA initiative share four main goals:

  • Define a new corporate campaign to strengthen American society by encouraging increased and effective civic engagement and service to the community.
  • Create a set of principles and tools that can guide how companies of any size, in any industry, can develop their own policies and programs to increase civic engagement and assist the campaign.
  • Determine institutional changes and improvements businesses can make to strengthen the ways employee service is encouraged, rewarded and measured.
  • Recruit additional business leaders to the campaign for service and lead the effort to articulate specific, measurable activities that will increase effective civic engagement.

Businesses can join BSA's effort to foster civic engagement by using the registration form.

Business Strengthening America has developed a set of resources to provide companies and corporations, regardless of industry or size, with the tools and techniques — from basic steps to "best practices" — that they can implement in order to help create a more engaged society.

These are some of the building blocks that companies, both large and small, can put into place to promote and support participation in volunteerism, public service and individual philanthropy: