Joint Committee on Joint Rules

H.Con.Res. 190

bullet Mission Statement
bullet Text of Legislation
bullet Section-by-Section Summary
bullet House Report 108-141

Floor Statements

bullet Hon. David Dreier
bullet Hon. Martin Frost

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Sponsors of Joint Committee

bullet Hon. David Dreier
bullet Hon. Martin Frost

"While the power of the Presidency has been transferred in critical situations on numerous occasions--ranging from war to assassination to impeachment--only two or three times in our nation's history have crises tested the ability of Congress to assemble and conduct its business under extreme circumstances. The fact is we are still unsure of our ability to act decisively to maintain homeland security while preserving the democratic and representative fabric of our society. Accordingly, Congress should undertake a thorough review of House and Senate rules, joint rules, and other related matters to ensure the functioning of Congress in the event of a catastrophe."

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