
Original Jurisdiction Hearings

108th Congress

June 16 & 17, 2004 The Subcommittee on Technology and the House - "To examine Rule X, the Organization of Committees, including its current legislative impact, arrangement, and effectiveness"
April 29, 2004 To Address Mass Incapacitation of Members and the Quorum Requirement in the Context of the Continuity of Congress
March 11 & 24, 2004 The Subcommittee on Legislative & Budget Process - "Assessing the effectiveness of the current budget process and consider new reform and enforcement proposals"
July 16, 2003 The Subcommittee on Technology and the House - 1996 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act - "An Overview of Effectiveness and Opportunities for Enhancement"
June 23, 2003 "Extending Suspension Days on Wednesdays Through the End of the 108th Congress"
June 4, 2003 "H. Con. Res. 190 - To establish a joint committee to review House and Senate rules, joint rules, and other matters assuring continuing representation and congressional operations for the American people "

107th Congress

May 2, 2002 "Assessing the Accuracy of Federal Budget Estimating"
September 19, 2002 "Linking Program Funding to Performance Results"
September 12, 2002 Open Hearing to receive Member testimony on proposed changes in House Rules
May 2 & 9, 2002 Assessing the Accuracy of Federal Budget Estimating
November 13, 2001 The President's "Freedom to Manage" Initiative
November 1, 2001 H.R. 981 - Budget Responsibility and Efficiency Act of 2001 - Full Committee Markup
July 25, 2001 Biennial Budgeting
May 24, 2001 "Unfunded Mandates - A Five-Year Review and Recommendations for Change."

106th Congress

September 13, 2000 Open Hearing to receive Member testimony on proposed changes in House Rules
March 22, 2000 "The Government Performance and Results Act and the Legislative Process of House Committees"
March 10 & 16, 2000
February 16, 2000
"Biennial Budgeting: A Tool for Improving Government Fiscal Management and Oversight"
October 27, 1999 The Impact of Executive Orders on the Legislative Process: Executive Lawmaking?
July 30, 1999 The Rescissions Process After the Line Item Veto: Tools for Controlling Spending
July 21, 1999 Points of Order That Guarantee Spending Levels
July 16, 1999 Legislating in the Information Age
July 15, 1999 Cooperation, Comity, and Confrontation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch
May 12 & 13, 1999 H.R. 853, The Comprehensive Budget Process Reform Act of 1999
April 29, 1999 Proposals Emanating from the Second Bipartisan Congressional Retreat
February 2, 1999 H.R. 350 - Mandates Information Act of 1999