
Subcommittee on Technology & the House

  John Linder, Chairman
Sue Myrick, Vice Chairman
Pete Sessions
Tom Reynolds
David Dreier
  James McGovern, Ranking Minority Member
Alcee Hastings
Under the Committee rules, as amended for the 107th Congress, the Technology and the House Subcommittee will have general responsibility for measures or matters related to the impact of technology on the process and procedures of the House, relations between the two Houses of Congress, relations between the Congress and the Judiciary, and internal operations of the House.

This subcommittee has the primary responsibility for the continued examination of the committee structure and jurisdictional issues of all House Committees.

In the past, the subcommittee has considered measures dealing with "fast track" procedures for consideration of trade legislation, prohibitions on unfunded mandates, the recodification of the rules of the House and issues relating to a 21st century Congress.

Hearings 21st Century Congress