Mountain-Prairie Region
Conserving the Nature of America


Search Region 6 Listed Species:  by Species Name, by State, by County, Candidate, Proposed & Petitioned


Black-tailed Prairie Dog Removed from Candidate Species List
An updated evaluation of the best available scientific information has led the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine that the black-tailed prairie dog is not likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future and no longer meets the Endangered Species Act definition of threatened.

piping plover

Region 6 States
North Dakota
South Dakota
            Endangered Means Threre's Still Time  


Fish and Wildlife Service to Initiate a Status Review of the Greater Sage-Grouse

webpage     video


                                     Program Summary
Protecting endangered and threatened species, removing or reducing threats affecting them and restoring listed species to a secure status in the wild in the primary objective of the Endangered Species Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Program staff evaluate information regarding declining species and the threats facing these species to determine if they should be listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act.  Staff also identify species that are candidates for listing.  Sometimes, these actions are undertaken in response to petitions submitted to the Service by private entities or other groups.  Program staff are involved in consultation and coordination with Federal, State, local and private partners to implement recovery plans, grants, permits, Habitat Conservation Plans and achieve recovery of listed species.  Once recovery is achieved, a species may be removed from the list.

Staff coordinate Federal, State, local and private partners to promote the conservation of listed, proposed, and candidate species to achieve conservation of species before they have decline to the point where they need the protection afforded by listing under the Act.  Staff also assist with resource planning and development projects to avoid adverse impacts to listed, proposed, and candidate species. 


Species Totals For
Region 6

Listed Species Total = 84
Mammals = 8
Birds = 9
Reptiles = 1
Amphibians = 1
Fish = 16
Invertebrates = 7
Plants = 42

Candidate Species = 17
Proposed Species =
Petitioned Species = 12

Mission:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mission is, working with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.

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