DTC Test 69-74, Prairie Carpet

Originally, data to be gathered in the execution from Prairie Carpet was considered essential in the execution of a later planned test, DTC Test 70-74.1 Delays in executing Prairie Carpet subsequently delayed the execution of DTC Test 70-74. 2 Documentation from a year later indicates that the microthread technology was tested at Fort Detrick under the 69-74 number and that a preliminary report was published in September 1969.3 Efforts to locate this report have been unsuccessful, however the microthread technique is the method used to conduct DTC Test 70-74. 4 It is an enclosed method. Prairie Carpet is therefore presumed to have been conducted not as largescale test, but rather as a laboratory test and thus is listed as cancelled.


1 Proposed DTC FY 70 Test Plans, Sep 68, p. 161.
2 Summary Report of the Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deseret Test Center Planning Conference, 3 Jul 69, pp. 3.
3 Annual Status Report of Joint Operational Activities, Deseret Test Center, Jul 70, p. 30.
4 See DTC Test 70-74 Fact Sheets.