DTC Test 74-030

DTC Test 74-030 was designed in response to Army and Navy requirements, AR-6 and NA-5, to determine biological effects in a variety of environments. Initial FY 74 planning documentation indicated that it would be executed in FY 74 as a follow-on to DTC Test 70-74.1 FY 75 planning documentation added the parenthetical notation that DTC Test 74-030 fell under the revised research and development program T410A that included effects of environmental factors on biological decay. It further indicated that work would continue into FY 75.2 The Deseret Test Center, headquartered at Fort Douglas, Utah, closed in 1973, before DTC Test 74-030 could be conducted; the test is therefore presumed to have been cancelled.


1 Deseret Test Center Outline Plans for FY 74, Mar 72, pp. 95 and 97.
2 Deseret Test Center Outline Plans for FY 75, Feb 73, pp. 30 and 32.