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US Dept. Of State Consular Affairs Home Page
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Gateway to official U.S. visa policies and procedures: UnitedStatesVisas.gov
Formuláre DS-156, ktoré sú dostupné na našej stránke a prostredníctvom Slovenskej pošty a majú uvedený dátum expirácie 8/31/2004, ostávajú v platnosti a môžu sa ďalej používať.
DS-156 forms, available on our web page and throught the Slovak post offices, bearing the expiration date 8/31/2004, remain valid and may be used.


Visa Appointments
Average appointment Wait Time (for all categories) - click here
Applicants for F, J and M visas should also read this information.
To make a nonimmigrant appointment in-country or from within the United States, please click on the following link: Appointment System. Alternatively, you may mail your application, passport, fee receipt and relevant documents via insured mail to:
Visa Section; Embassy of the U.S.A.; P.O. Box 324; 810 00 Bratislava. We will contact you with an appointment date and time. (Please choose only one method. If you have been refused within the past year, please apply only by mail).
Visa Processing:
Average Visa Processing Time: Same day.
All applicants should be aware that the listed processing times are averages. Unforeseen delays may occur due to system difficulties, additional security procedures or individual circumstances. Please allow enough time between your requested interview date and your planned trip to account for such circumstances.

Vízové Časenky
Priemerná čakacia lehota na interview (pre všetky kategórie) - kliknite sem
Ak žiadate o F, J alebo M vízum, prečítajte si tieto informácie.
Časenku na podanie žiadosti o neprisťahovalecké vízum si môžte vytvoriť na Slovensku alebo z USA. Inou možnosťou je poslať žiadosť, pas, doklad o zaplatení poplatku a ostatné doklady formou poisteného listu na adresu:
Vízové oddelenie, Veľvyslanectvo USA, P.O. Box 324, 810 00 Bratislava. My Vám oznámime dátum a čas pohovoru. (Vyberte si len jeden spôsob podania žiadosti. Ak vám bola žiadosť v priebehu posledného roka zamietnutá, môžete žiadať len poštou.)
Spracovanie víza:
Priemerná doba spracovania víza: V deň pohovoru
Treba si uvedomiť, že uvádzané čakacie lehoty sú priemerné. Nečakané technické problémy, dodatočné bezpečnostné opatrenia alebo individuálne okolnosti ich môžu predĺžiť. Prosíme, aby ste si preto ponechali dostatočný časový odstup medzi dátumom pohovoru a plánovaným odletom.


Worldwide Caution
As the Department continues to develop information on any potential security threats to U.S. citizens overseas, it shares credible threat information through its Consular Information Program documents, available on the Internet at http://travel.state.gov. In addition to information on the Internet, U.S. travelers can get up-to-date information on security conditions by calling 1-888-407-4747 in the U.S. or outside the U.S. and Canada on a regular toll line at 1-317-472-2328.

Threat Advisory
The U.S. Threat Advisory Level is currently elevated, represented by the color orange. This means there is a high risk of terrorist attacks in the U.S. For more information visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security online at http://www.dhs.gov.

"Credible" Threat Information Prompts Homeland Security Warning
U.S. intelligence-gathering operations have obtained "new and unusually specific information" on potential al Qaida attacks on major U.S. financial centers, according to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge.  [August 1, 2004]

Internet-Based Registration System

The State Department recently launched a secure online travel registration website which will allow you, as an American citizen, to record foreign trip and residence information that the Department of State can use to communicate with you and assist you in case of an emergency.

U.S. citizens around the world who travel or reside abroad can access this site either through a link on http://travel.state.gov or directly at https://travelregistration.state.gov/ibrs. We invite you to register yourself and your family and get acquainted with travel registration. If you are already registered with this Embassy/Consulate, please re-register on line to update your records.

The new Internet travel registration service for American citizens allows you to register and update your contact information on the Internet at any time, making it easier for you to keep your information current. The site also provides you with up-to-date travel information customized to your unique travel agenda and itinerary. The data you provide is secured behind Department of State firewalls, accessed only by cleared personnel in Embassies, Consulates, and the Department of State, and releasable only under the provisions of the Privacy Act.

Let us know how you like the new site. If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions about our travel registration website, please send an e-mail to CAIbrs@state.gov. If you have specific questions about your registration with this Embassy/Consulate please contact us insert post contact email address.


Discontinuation of Domestic Visa Service for Certain Nonimmigrant Visas
The State Department is discontinuing its domestic reissuance service for E, H, I, L, O, and P visas. The Department will stop accepting applications for these visa classifications on July 16, 2004. The Department will continue to process diplomatic and official visas (A, G, and NATO) in Washington and at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York.   [June 23, 2004]
Ukončenie vydávania niektorých typov neprisťahovaleckých víz úradmi v USA
Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí USA zastavuje obnovovanie víz typu E,H,I,L,O a P úradmi v USA. Ministerstvo prestane prijímať žiadosti o obnovu týchto typov víz od 16.júla 2004. Ministerstvo bude naďalej spracovávať diplomatické a služobné víza (typu A, G a NATO) vo Washingtone a na Stálej misii USA do OSN v New Yorku.   [June 23, 2004]

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! Travel Warnings
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information line
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U.S. Taxpayer Assistance Program 2004
Uncle Sam Wants You!

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