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NIDDK Home  : NIDDK Laboratories : Faculty : Carson Chow,

Carson Chow,

Mathematical Cell Modeling Section, Investigator
Laboratory of Biological Modeling
NIDDK, National Institutes of Health


Research Statement

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1. Laing CR Chow CC  A spiking neuron model for binocular rivalry.  J Comput Neurosci (12): 39-53, 2002. [Full Text/Abstract]

2. Alvarez VA Chow CC Van Bockstaele EJ Williams JT  Frequency-dependent synchrony in locus ceruleus: role of electrotonic coupling.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (99): 4032-6, 2002. [Full Text/Abstract]

3. Chow CC Jin DZ Treves A  Is the world full of circles?  J Vis (2): 571-6, 2002. [Full Text/Abstract]

4. Ermentrout GB Chow CC  Modeling neural oscillations.  Physiol Behav (77): 629-33, 2002. [Full Text/Abstract]

5. Laing CR Chow CC  Stationary bumps in networks of spiking neurons.  Neural Comput (13): 1473-94, 2001. [Full Text/Abstract]

6. Gutkin BS Laing CR Colby CL Chow CC Ermentrout GB  Turning on and off with excitation: the role of spike-timing asynchrony and synchrony in sustained neural activity.  J Comput Neurosci (11): 121-34, 2001. [Full Text/Abstract]

7. Chow CC Kopell N  Dynamics of spiking neurons with electrical coupling.  Neural Comput (12): 1643-78, 2000. [Full Text/Abstract]

8. Lauk M Chow CC Lipsitz LA Mitchell SL Collins JJ  Assessing muscle stiffness from quiet stance in Parkinson''s disease.  Muscle Nerve (22): 635-9, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

9. Mar DJ Chow CC Gerstner W Adams RW Collins JJ  Noise shaping in populations of coupled model neurons.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (96): 10450-5, 1999. [Full Text/Abstract]

10. Chow CC Imhoff TT Collins JJ  Enhancing aperiodic stochastic resonance through noise modulation.  Chaos (8): 616-620, 1998. [Full Text/Abstract]

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