
Hazard Tree Publications

Links to Publications and fact sheets - St. Paul Field Office
How to Recognize and Reduce Tree Hazards in Recreation Sites (65 KB)
HOW to Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees (225 kb HTML)
How to Prune Trees (240 kb HTML)
Rx For Wounded Trees (26 kb HTML)
The U.S. Park Service Hazard Tree Guidelines (33.5 kb HTML)
Tree Decay: An expanded concept
Tree Hazards Recognition and Reduction in Recreation Sites
There's Life in Hazard Trees
Storms Over the Urban Forest
Urban Tree Risk Management: A Community Guide to Program Design and Implementation
Links to Publications and fact sheets available elsewhere:
Tree Diseases That Create Hazards (Penn State)
Recognizing Tree Hazards (ISA)
How Trees Survive (Shigo)
More information coming...
Return to the Hazard Tree Web Page

Send suggestions for links to Joseph O'Brien at jobrien@fs.fed.us