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Glossary of State Agency Functions

State Policy Offices

Office of the Governor
Establishes policy priorities and issues executive orders; responsible for the implementation of legislation; responsible for designating the State agency that applies for Federal drug law enforcement, education, treatment, and prevention funds.

State Legislature
Enacts enabling legislation and provides oversight of executive agency activities; sets funding levels for State wide drug law enforcement, treatment, and prevention.

State Drug Program Coordinator
Establishes a Statewide drug abuse action plan and coordinates the activities of executive branch agencies; helps to establish program priorities.

State Criminal Justice Offices

Attorney General's Office
Establishes legal guidelines for the implementation of legislation and the prosecution of offenders; helps coordinate Statewide drug task force activities.

Law Enforcement Planning Office
Coordinates law enforcement initiatives with the State's criminal justice system.

Crime Prevention Office
Monitors Statewide crime prevention efforts between law enforcement agencies and the community; disseminates drug and crime prevention literature to schools, and the general public.

Statistical Analysis Centers
Assembles Statewide criminal justice statistics and issues periodic reports; acts as a clearinghouse for Statewide crime information and statistics.

Uniform Crime Reports
Assembles Statewide UCR offense and arrest data and produces annual reports; submits Statewide arrest statistics to the FBI's National Uniform Crime Reports for inclusion in the annual Crime in the United States.

BJA Strategy Preparation Agency
Prepares and submits to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) a State drug strategy; distributes BJA grant funds in accordance with the strategy; performs other analyses of Statewide drug problems and appropriate interventions.

Judicial Agency
Coordinates activities of the various judicial districts within the State's court system; gathers State court data and issues periodic reports.

Corrections Agency
Operates the State prison system; establishes in-prison programs; collects statistics on correctional populations.

State Health Offices

RADAR (Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource) Network Agency
Distributes alcohol and drug abuse prevention and education materials at the State and local level. Established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Substance Abuse Prevention, these activities are coordinated by the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.

HIV-Prevention Program
Coordinates State AIDS prevention activity and oversees State AIDS prevention funding.

Drug and Alcohol Agency
Sets prevention and treatment priorities and administers State and Federal funds, particularly those from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Substance Abuse Prevention.

State Education Office

State Coordinator for Drug-Free Schools
Establishes school-based drug and alcohol prevention/education programs and administers Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities funds.

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Last Updated: March 4, 2002

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