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This page is intended to provide the most direct link to major changes, additions, deletions, etc., on the FFIEC Web site. Minor changes or routine maintenance items will not normally be listed.

Major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site for October 2004: (most recent first)

October 12, 2004

-- Posted a Press Release announcing the availability of an InfoBase for depository institutions that provides information on consumer compliance aspects of the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21).

October 4, 2004

-- Added the Initial Federal Register Notice (PDF) for the FFIEC 002/002S forms


Archives of major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site:

Current Year

September 2004
August 2004
July 2004
June 2004
May 2004
April 2004
March 2004
February 2004
January 2004

Previous Years




Note: Many of the documents available on-line are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Please visit our PDF help page for more information.

Maintained by the FFIEC. All suggestions regarding this site may be forwarded via e-mail to
Last update: 10/13/2004 10:06 AM