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endangered Ozark big-eared bat, USFWS photo



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Endangered Species Program home page

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service home page


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Endangered Species Program Publications

This page provides easy access to a variety of fact sheets, brochures, handbooks, and periodicals produced by the Endangered Species Program. Additional information about the Program can be obtained by following the subject area links at left.

 General Information  Partnerships with States, Communities and Landowners  Our Listing Program  Our Consultations Program  Habitat Conservation Planning  Our Recovery Program  Posters with the Military  Expenditure Reports  Other Products

For web sites and fact sheets on endangered and threatened species, please see our species information page.

Additional information on our programs and projects is available under their specific pages.

(Please note: To view pdf documents, you may need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, free from Adobe, Inc.)

General Information

Partnerships with States, Communities, and Landowners

Our Listing Program

Our Consultations Program

Habitat Conservation Planning

Our Recovery Program

Posters with the U.S. Military

  • Freedom Soars, Defending Our Nation and Our Environment poster recognizing the military's contributions to the recovery of the bald eagle, produced in partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense
  • The Marines, We're Saving A Few Good Species posters

Expenditure Reports

Section 18 of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973 requires the Secretary of the Interior (working through the Fish and Wildlife Service) to annually report certain expenditures for the conservation of threatened and endangered species.

  • 1996 Expenditure Report This report presents the reported expenditures for Fiscal Year 1996 (October 1995 - September 1996).
  • 1997 Expenditure Report This report presents the reported expenditures for Fiscal Year 1997 (October 1996 - September 1997).
  • 1998-2000 Expenditure Report This summary report presents the reported expenditures for Fiscal Years 1998 - 2000 (October 1997 - September 2000).

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This page updated January 17, 2003