What's New--EZ/EC News and Announcements                                

Updated October 04, 2004

Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA) 

New Information    

These photographs can be viewed at http://www.ezec.gov/news/winners.html.

The winning photographs were presented at the National Rural Development Partnership Conference in Oklahoma City.  They are also being displayed in the Rural Development National Office.  Thank you for participating in this contest.  It is great to see what we all are working for… a better rural America.

          The following is a list of the IEDC's 2004 Training Courses:

For detailed course descriptions, and to register for any of the courses, please visit www.iedconline.org .


Note:  Links are only kept on this page temporarily.  After they have been removed, you may find those of continuing value in the Toolbox or on other pages within the Rural EZ/EC Website.

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